You’re a Visionary, an Evolutionary, A World-Changer.

You’re a Fiercely Ambitious, Conscious Entrepreneur, Coach, Healer

and You Know the Truth….

The Old Ways Are Dead

And The World As We Know It No Longer IS

Vibrations are shifting, frequencies are changing and anything that no longer fits with this new, expansive reality that’s coming through, is falling away...

Even as you read this.

You know it. I know it. Just about everyone knows it. We can feel it happening

And yet there’s this craving, this unquenchable thirst to hustle and to push and to hold on and keep everything the same and it’s because…

Change can be freakin’ hard! 

Change can be painful and it can bring you to your knees.

It dissolves everything before birthing something new.

It’s the caterpillar that dissolves into nothing before it becomes a butterfly.

And so you have a choice

You can open up to change and to what wants to come through…

Mind-blowing business insights that bring in mega-money flow, deep, earth-shattering, philosophies and world-changing ideas that take you (and humanity) up to the highest levels of material and spiritual evolution... 

 All of the potency and abundance that is dying to be born through you.

OR you can hold tight to what was and watch it contract, deflate and disappear into the ether.

 And if you choose to grow, to expand to BLAST through everything that’s holding you back from moving forward, onward, upward in your business and in your life, then here’s the question you need to ask… how much YOU can you take?

How Much of Your True Sovereignty & Your Inborn Right to Be Unapologetically YOU, Are You Ready to Reclaim?

The positive and the negative 

The pain and the power 

The agony and the ecstasy of being human and being SO much more? 

How much are you willing to see to embrace to, to love, to accept and to just BE?

Here’s the no-holds-barred truth…

The only way to go up (and I mean ALL the way up to the Field of Infinite Creation and where all possibilities and instant manifestations exist), is to dive deep, really deep.

 And so few gurus, teachers, leaders are willing to go there…

The Inner Palace of Darkness, the part of us we don’t want to see, acknowledge or know (much less accept), I’m talking about the Shadowlands where our Shadows live.

These are the parts of you that feel shame and anger and guilt and jealousy and blame and all of the things we feel as human beings…

All of the things we desperately want to  hide.

 And it’s because of a belief system that prizes sweetness and light at all times and AT ANY COST

 The system that says we must “be part of the herd” “blend in, don't stand out” “be nice or else!” the system that suppresses voice and identity and truth

 But Shadows aren’t something to be ashamed of or something you need to hide…

Shadows are a divine spark of genius, messengers of love. It’s a call to step into more YOU.

Shadows Are Not What’s In The Way,

Shadows Are The Way

Carl Jung said...

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

 If you’re still reading this, here’s what I know…

Something is drawing, pulling, magnetizing, you. Something is keeping you on this page and it’s this…

The need, the driving force to be ALL that you are meant to be in the way you are meant to be.

 And if this touches your heart and your soul, if you’re feeling activated -- even triggered -- by any of this then I invite you to step into the full light of your Shadows.                               

Welcome to Syzygy

The Art & Science of Creation on Demand

This is a live, virtual program unlike anything you’ve seen, experienced or even heard of (and in case you’re wondering Syzygy means a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun – how cool is that?!)

 You’ll be introduced to mind-bending, soul-shifting, life-altering teachings that will transform everything in your life and business (I’m not kidding!) and show you exactly how to manifest and co-create at the highest level. 

Here’s What You Can Expect When You Fully Engage & Apply the Teachings in Syzygy 

  • Magnetize, manifest and co-create anything and everything you want in your business and your life (and a lot of it will happen just like that)

  • Defy beliefs like “no one’s buying in this economy” or “I have to hustle to make things happen” and all of the hundreds of beliefs that infect most people... they’ll no longer be your reality when you do this work.

  • Play an integral role in upleveling the collective consciousness of humanity across the entire planet

  • Tap into creativity that gives birth to beautiful, game-changing ideas, insights, and innovations in your business that bring through an ongoing flow of money and abundance

  • Experience mind-blowing synchronicities that quickly take you to the next level and the next and the next in your life and business

  • Create a category-busting business where there is NO competition because clients and customers want you and ONLY you (and there’s only one you!)

  • Walk through life pretty much trigger free as you FINALLY embrace the truth… you are whole and complete as a human being and a spiritual being

  • Speak up and speak out minus fear of judgment, criticism or negative blowback so you can live your truth at ALL times

  • Set values-based boundaries and hold onto them like a total badass and SO much more

Ready to Master the Art & Science of Creation on Demand?

6 Syzygy Masterclasses + Gorgeous Workbook & Lifetime Access to Recordings

Limited Time Offer  $1111

(By the way, .awesome payment plans here)

Hell yeah, I'm in!

Click the button above for the discounted beta pricing on the upfront payment or payment plan!

 In Case We Haven’t Met...

I’m Stacy Hartmann. I work with visionary leaders and business owners and I’ve shown them how to build a high vibe, high impact business with my unique blend of energetics and conscious, practical strategies. 

As a top coach at an international training school, I was invited to become one of just 14 master trainers in the world and I’ve travelled the world, teaching aspiring coaches and entrepreneurs.  

I’m also an international trainer and speaker and I’ve coached over 20,000+ conscious, transformational entrepreneurs. I have deep expertise in metaphysics, consciousness and energy to create mega abundance and success in business.

That’s my formal introduction :-)

Here’s what I want you to know right now...

Syzygy is the deepest, most potent work, I’ve ever been called to do and it asks for DEEP mastery of my own triggers. This work is here to support the most revolutionary change agents in the world 

It’s a full on dive into the exact places all the other personal growth, business and self-help teachings are helping you escape!

Syzygy is the path that puts 1000% of the power to create in your hands, minute by minute, moment by moment, breath by breath. 

What other brave souls have to say about Syzygy...

I created my first course, and every session I felt on fire & totally in the flow. Without Syzygy, I don’t think the course would have been as successful as it was. I am fully standing in my voice!

- Michele Walter

Syzygy allowed me to step into my truth and my voice in a bigger bolder way. It's also allowed me to bring more lightheartedness and play to my business and life.

- Kate Wright

Syzygy has profoundly affected me. It's helped me get clarity and sense of purpose. Now I’m living my truth no matter what. No more compromising myself or putting limits on my experience! I’ve stepped into my surrender to living my life on purpose... with fear, uncertainty, and doubt along for the adventure!

- James Wallace

I am letting go of the hustle, dreaming again, and receiving way better treatment from others. I now feel empowered to stand up.— SO WATCH OUT world. I feel like a Viking warrior on a horse with a torch ready to burn down any forms of oppression, violation, exploitation...if I met me now—I wouldn’t fuck with me.

- Rebecca Johnson

I am experiencing a new energy that appears out of nowhere. Whatever the situation, when I embrace my shadows and listen I am so much more empowered and deeply trusting in myself.

- Jessie Carr

Syzygy has given me permission to embrace all of myself. Some days there is a snarky side that just needs to come forward. With doing this work, accepting all of myself makes me real!

- Bonnie Bailey

I am completely calm and confident when standing in front of the room. I am standing in my power, communicating differently with my husband and strengthening friendships. I know my value and it moves me to tears to think of this power of this alignment. I already have EVERYTHING that I need and KNOW I will always thrive no matter what.

- Dali Litinski

I discovered new possibilities that I didn't know were there. Into to the dark to come even more into the light. The cool thing about this work is that it applies to anything and everything. Business, friendships, family relationships, big things, small things.

- Joanna Platt

What You’ll Learn in Syzygy Will Surprise (and Shock!) You & It WILL Transform Your Life and Business if You Let It

You will be guided deep into the point of your consciousness where manifestations can happen in an instant. This is the point where you are 100% Spiritual and 100% Human at the same time ( where you are fully conscious, loving spiritual being and a rockstar, mega successful, wildly abundant entrepreneur)

You will meet your Godself – the part of you that’s connected to GUS (God/Universe/Source,) the part of you that KNOWS how to create and manifest on demand

You will become deeply intimate with the energetic flows, patterns and habits of the 8 Core Archetypes  so you can connect with the Truth that lives within you and make choices and decisions that align to your highest purpose at all times, no matter what.

You will master how to alchemize all 8 Archetypes so you can experience life in full self-awareness as light and dark become one and you step into the Field of Infinite Creation where all potential, possibilities exist and instant manifestations happen.

You will understand how to tap into the limitless potency and energy of the highest levels of consciousness where there is nothing and everything at the same time -- duality into one. This is the dissolving of scarcity, doubt, playing small and all of the blocks and fears that hold you back from everything you want and desire. 

You will make the unconscious conscious as you get to know and understand your Shadows and corresponding levels of consciousness and energy (this is like the dial on the radio that allows you to tune into the highest frequencies and make shit happen with ease)

You will learn to instantly recognize when and how your Shadows show up in the Repressed State (where you’re leaking energy and power) OR in the Reactive State (where you’re calling in supreme, sublime creation energy)...and SO much more!

Ready to Master the Art & Science of Creation on Demand?

6 Syzygy Masterclasses + Gorgeous Workbook & Lifetime Access to Recordings

Limited Time Offer  $1111

(By the way, .awesome payment plans here)

Click the button above for the discounted beta pricing on the upfront payment or payment plan!

Think About It...What Have You NOT Done to Try And “Fix” Yourself?

Meditate, say affirmations, hire coaches, buy (yet another) business course or personal growth book because you want to get it “right”, get it “perfect”, get rid of those ugly, “flaws” inside yourself.

But no matter what you try, there’s always something that triggers you, hurts you or causes you to reach for the bottle or the cupcake or the cigarette or something else to numb the pain.

I’m here to tell you the next level of consciousness, and of evolution in business isn’t about positive thinking or believing that you’re “bad” or somehow “wrong” and you need to fix the way you live and work and play.

This is about letting go of hustling and trying and forcing so you can fall back into who you truly are.

Make No Mistake, Syzygy is NOT Mainstream, It’s Mind-Blowing So Let’s Get Real... It’s NOT for Everyone

Syzygy is not for you if...

You don’t want to take an honest look at yourself including the darkest spaces of your mind and heart and soul… the spaces where the truth of who you are lives.

You’re looking for a one and done solution or a “quick fix” that will resolve all your problems, fears and business challenges in an instant.

You’re only open to staying in “positive” thoughts and being in “high vibe mode” no matter what the reality of the situation is.

You’re not willing to envision a bigger life for yourself and play a part in creating a better world for humanity.

Syzygy Was MADE For You If

You’re a spiritual, conscious human who’s craving a different way, a different  method to make truckloads of cash, and run an impactful business that takes you out of struggle and scarcity.

You’re ready to incinerate outdated beliefs and burn through years and years (possibly lifetimes) of self-judgement, criticism, negative attachments and habits and energetic blocks that have been holding you back from becoming all of who you are as an infinite being of infinite power

You’re willing to get damn uncomfortable and go THERE… the scary, dark places within that you try to hide even from yourself

You want to discover exactly how to access and dial up all of your inner energy – the innate energetic power you were born with -- to magnetize money, magic and soul clients and customers by being fully YOU

You’re longing to reclaim your full power and redesign your life in a way that feels aligned with who YOU are and not what someone else or something else -- a group, organization, belief system --  expects.

You long to dream a new dream, live a new reality that’s bigger, brighter, better and more abundant not just for you but for all of humanity.

You’re frustrated and maybe even angry with the broken promises that we’ve been told and you want to walk the path of TRUTH no matter what. 

You know there’s more to life and more to existence than what we can see and what we think we already “know” and you want to pull back the shroud of doubt, deceit and distraction that keeps you stagnant and playing small.

You want to experience a level of depth and growth that goes higher and farther than ALL mainstream personal or business growth modalities and methodologies that are out there. 

You’re willing to get down and dirty with the reality of being triggered by your own fears … so you can rise from the ashes and become wholly, fully, completely and unequivocally you in all your glory and power as 100% spiritual and 100% human.

Sound like you? If that’s a yes then...

The Time is Now and You’re Ready to Master the Art & Science of Creation on Demand

6 Syzygy Masterclasses + Gorgeous Workbook & Lifetime Access to Recordings

Limited Time Offer  $1111

(By the way, an awesome payment plan is here)